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Jo Abergel has been involved with the gambling industry for the last 10 years, primarily running leadership training for their management teams but also as Head of HR for a Gibraltar-based operator. In 2021, Jo co-founded the Ethical Gambling Forum which aims to challenge the industry on the ethical dilemmas it faces. The forum brings together regulators, operators, safer gambling teams, risk & compliance professionals, researchers, therapists, problem gamblers and safer gambling charities in one space to share ideas, challenges and move towards better practice and cultural change.

Through her training company, Rock Learning, Jo facilitates and organises a wide range of training courses for the industry, on a variety of topics including Soft Skills, Safer Gambling, Suicide Awareness, ESG, Anti-Mony Laundering, Ethical Hacking, Diversity & Inclusion plus many more.

As immediate past Chairperson for Childline Gibraltar, Jo has worked with young people struggling with addictions and families impacted by problem gambling. It is from here that her passion to make a difference in this area has evolved.